We asked Wildlife Specialist and supervisor of Lake Erie Nature & Science Center’s Naturalist Assistant volunteer program, Derek Skapes, to share highlights from the “life-changing trip” that a group of our hard-working NAs enjoyed this summer. Photos by NA Sean Waitkus.
I recently had the very fortunate opportunity of taking some our NAs to Costa Rica for a fun filled, educational, eye-opening, life changing trip. Our international travel endeavor included excursions throughout the entire country of Costa Rica. The idea of the trip was to provide an experience that would not only be educational, but also beneficial to their development as a young adult. A travel experience is always one where an individual can discover themselves and expand their horizons in all aspects of life.

During this trip through Costa Rica, the students were guided by a renowned Costa Rican guide. We explored volcanoes, hot springs, forest canopies, volcanic sulfur springs, tropical forests, canals, rivers, cultural marketplaces, large cities and towns, night hikes (reptiles and amphibians were most prominent during these) and multiple beaches.
The opportunity to see a different, less fortunate country and the people that live there was a also beneficial. To be exposed to another culture and in a different country is a broadening experience that would only give the students a new outlook on their lives.
Of course, the chance to explore, study, and learn about a tropical rainforest in one of the most biologically diverse areas on the planet is also something that the students will likely carry on for the rest of their lives. As you might expect, the nature experiences were a highlight for our students because we are a nature/wildlife/science organization. They were able to study and learn from first hand experience in a biological hotspot, with a well-respected guide to educate them as well.
The reactions of the students were incredible and very heart-warming. Multiple students thanked me and our organization for giving them “the time of their lives.” To those of you who supported our fundraising leading up to the trip, we all say a huge thank-you to you as well!
-Derek Skapes, Wildlife Specialist
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