The snow mounds are still a mile high, but use your imagination and conjur up the warm and wonderful days of summer! We've already imagined a summer where kids ages 3 - 13 will be combing the beach at Lake Erie, hiking the woods and meadows, discovering the stars, feeling the heartbeat of a live animal and launching a real rocket at Lake Erie Nature & Science Center's 2009 summer camps!
This year's day camp choices will include:
Walk on the Wild Side, Wonders of Water, Space Camps, Log Cabin Kindercamps, Nature Nuts preschool camps, Back to Nature Girl Scout Camp, plus a new overnight option for middle schoolers. New this year: older campers (approximately age 9 & up) will tap technology in their exploration, using cool tools like video-cams and GPS units.
Take a look at all the possibilities in our hot-off-the-presses, 2009 Summer Program Guide (pdf). Use our one-page, Camps-At-A-Glance flyer (pdf), sorted by date and age, to chart your summer fun. Refer back to the Program Guide for complete descriptions and
additional activities like our Family Camp-out Night, Weekend Explorers and Planetarium Programs.
Keep in mind that our most popular camps fill quickly so reserve your child's spot as soon as possible! We start the registration process later this month, with members-only early, discounted sign-ups beginning on February 28.
You can become a member before or during registration and begin taking advantage of member benefits right away.
By the way, it's also not too late to sign up for Spring Session preschool, Kindergarten enrichment or other programs that begin on March 12! Questions? Call (440) 871-2900.
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