Thursday, February 7, 2008

New Study: The Disconnect from Nature Is Growing

A new study that measures the decline in nature recreation (during a time when television, video game and internet use are increasing), warns that the impact on nature and conservation "could soon be profound." The study, sponsored by The Nature Conservancy, evaluated data from the United States, Japan and Spain on everything from backpacking to duck hunting. Do the findings mean that people no longer care about nature? The rearachers, Oliver Pergams of the University of Illinois-Chicago and Patricia Zaradic of the Environmental Leadership Program, weigh in here. This all reminds us: we love that you're connecting with us through the internet, but we do want to see you here, feeling the heartbeat of a live animal, hitting the trails around the Center, or peering into one of our telescopes at the night sky. See you around the Center soon!

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